Welcome to the Cognitive-Communication in Aging and Neurogenic Disorders Laboratory

Welcome to the homepage for the Cognitive-Communication in Aging and Neurogenic Disorders Laboratory (CCANDL). Our team seeks to understand preclinical signs of dementia, shed light on possible methods of early identification, and explore innovative intervention options. We seek interdisciplinary collaboration and community input for our projects.

Please feel free to contact our team at any time with questions about our work or how you can get involved!

Primary Aims of Our Lab


Understanding neural mechanisms of speech/language in aging individuals, and individuals with preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild CognitiveImpairment (MCI), and other forms of dementia.

Design and testing of identification methods of early cognitive change in the presence of AD biomarkers.

Green Lab Certified

Analysis of naturalistic speech-language samples as a means of gaining insight from subtle changes to communication in the context of aging and neurodegenerative diseases.

Creation of multimodal therapeutic interventions to address cognitive-communication difficulties in MCI and dementia due to neurodegenerative disease.

News from CCANDL