CCANDL’s Rachael Look has been working over the past year to create a new study for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Evidence suggests that dance classes may have benefits for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their care partners. We are looking for volunteers with MCI and their care partners to fill out a survey about their interest and perceived burden of participating in a dance intervention.
You may qualify if you are 18 years or older, English speaking, have a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or are a care partner of someone with MCI.
There are no direct benefits for filling out this survey.
“This is such an important study. The diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is so critical for the patient and the provider. The diagnosis becomes an opportunity or motivator to be incredibly aggressive about enhancing resilience and promoting overall health and wellbeing. But, to do this there must be science driven interventions and choices for patients. This study is looking at something novel but fun. Exploring patient and caregiver perceptions of dance as intervention for cognitive and social engagement is needed before endeavoring to provide such therapy. The responses I’ve received in clinic have been overwhelmingly positive and excitement is evident. While surveys are not interventions, the study has reduced barriers to complete them and made it easy to offer important input. From this, I anticipate a tailored clinical trial that will be both enjoyable to our patients and but will hopefully advance our understanding of ways to build a brain buffer.” – Dr. Nathaniel Chin
This study is now closed, and is no longer recruiting participants. Please, see our Participate in Research page for a current list of opportunities for research participation.